Thursday, April 9, 2009

No EITM Easter Keg Hunt This Year!

Tomorrow is just a Good Friday and not a Great Friday...

For years, the Easter Keg Hunt has become a tradition for EITM fans in and around DC and Richmond. Sadly, Baltimore had to come along and fuck everything up for the rest of us...

Well, Elliot didn't exactly phrase it that way, but you know we're all thinking it! In order for the event to happen, Elliot wanted all three areas to be included. This would have been Baltimore's first year in the hunt since joining the network back in May 2008 with Channel 104.3.

"They weren't able to get that done," Elliot said. It seems the sales staffs had contacts in DC and Richmond, but had zero affiliation with Baltimore. "Which sucks, because that means I won't have company waiting for me outside of my house when I wake up in the morning," Elliot joked.

So farewell to inappropriate team names, to getting up at 2am to hide Easter Kegs, to searching for Easter Kegs, to the Easter Keg Redemption Party and most of the Golden Easter Keg.

Team DC Sportbikes responds in an email to EITMfans:
I know you've mentioned us once or twice in previous posts, and no doubt have heard about the cancellation of this years Keg Hunt. Just know that Team DC Sportbikes is deeply saddened by the turn of events. We were more prepared than ever before, and even the EITM class knows how involved we are. When they were talking about the cancellation this morning, Elliot said he's most sad he wont be waking up to strangers outside his house, in which Diane replied with "I know team DC Sportbikes is pissed". Look for us next year, and in bigger numbers!
Everyone is obviously bummed, but look on the bright side...Elliot has vowed to have the Easter Keg Hunt next year, come hell or high water!

Related: [EITM's Easter Keg Hunt 2009!]

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